Do's and Don'ts of Marketing, Promoting and Recruting

While searching facebook for TruVision, it directed me to this: 

Smarten up people!


I found the post below on my facebook feed the other day.

I asked the person that posted it some questions, but, of course, blocked yet again by another unhappy facebooker.
 No reply and no post to be found!
Thanks google for the help in locating it, elsewhere.

Seem to be that the 'co-founder' of this company 
likes to share his nuggets.

""Here's an interesting little nugget. Truvision Health uses foil/blister packs for our capsules because we use very fresh, potent ingredients in our products. If we put them in a normal pill bottle, it would allow lots of oxygen and moisture to get to the good stuff, and that's bad news for effectiveness. To illustrate this, the photo in this post is of two of our truweight&energy capsules (pre-green color) the capsule on the top had been sealed in its blister pack, and the capsule on the bottom was left unsealed for a couple weeks. Notice the significant darkening in the unsealed capsule's contents. It's from moisture and oxygen exposure. This translates into less effectiveness when you take it. This also nicely illustrates how fresh and reactive our ingredients are. So, long story short, if you've ever wondered why we use blister packs for our capsules, it's because we want our customers to experience the greatest possible benefit from their truvision health purchases.""

Regurgitated information may not always be the best, even if it comes from what we perceive to be a reliable source.

What is wrong with this?

Mistakes do happen

we are all guilty of them and fall prey to forgetting to double check our work and other numerous excuses that lead to mistakes.

Good luck lady!

she writes: "As a Leader, It’s been my goal to create an easy process that ANYONE can Learn, Do, & Teach, right away!  Imagine if everyone on a Team knew what to do, How to Do it, and How to teach their Team members how to do & teach it!  We would be an unstoppable force!"

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